Configuring the Nodinite Mule ESB Log Agent
This guide will teach you how to configure the Nodinite Mule ESB Logging Agent to transfer content from log4j files to Nodinite.
You can change the run-time behaviour of the Log Agent by editing the Settings.json
. This file is in the installation folder.
First, open the file using an elevated Notepad instance. Even better, use Notepad++.
- General
- Folders - Folders with Log4J content, Repeat as required
- Environment
- Log - Nodinite destination information
The general section stores global information that affects some internal behaviour.
Property | Description | Value Example | Comment |
Environment | The name for the type of environment this agent is running in | Test, Prod, QA | |
Debug | A flag that determines the amount of diagnostics information to write | true or false (default) | In a production environment, this value is normally set to false |
Version | The internal version number for the configuration file | | READ ONLY, this is internal information, do NOT change this value manually!!! |
CultureInfo | format the output of date and so on | SV-SE, EN-us | Currently not implemented/honoured. |
The Folders section is where you manage file folders. These can either be local folders or SMB enabled file shares.
Folders is an array of a Folder object. Each Folder points to one root (file folder or SMB share) where the Log Agent should look for log files with JSON Log Events.
Property | Description | Value Example | Comment |
Folder | The Folder where to look for log files | for a network share, this means \\server\share will be \\\\server\\share in the JSON configuration file |
Use \\ to escape \ in the JSON notation. |
Filter | A file filter to only look for file matching pattern. | *.log or *.json , ... |
Can contain a combination of valid literal path and wildcard (* and ?) |
IncludeChildFolders | A flag used to search for JSON Log Event in subfolders | true or false | |
ExcludeChildFolders | An array of child folders to exclude if IncludeChildFolders is set to true | Note: The full path must be provided, not only the name of the subfolder | |
Log | Review the shared Log section for additional information |
Environments, is a collection of one or more Cloudhub environments.
Property | Description | Value Example | Comment |
EnvironmentName | The name of the Cloudhub environment | Prod/Test/QA | |
EnvironmentId | The Id of the Cloudhub | 1A395ED7-5CC5-4B4A-9A09-87A19803567A | A Guid |
Username | The user name to used connecting with the Cloudhub environment | user | |
Password | The password for the user | password | |
Log | Review the shared Log section for additional information |
Property | Description | Value Example | Comment |
Enabled | A flag used to disable or enable logging | true or false | You don't have to remove the whole folder object to temporarily disable the Log Agent |
LogAPI | The address to the Nodinite Log API | https://localhost/Nodinite/LogAPI/ | Change the URI according to your Nodinite installation |
LogAgentId | Your user-defined identity of the Log Agent | 42 | Know where your events stem from |
PollingInterval | Polling interval in seconds | 30 | How often the agent should check the folder for new logs |
ReplaceRules | Review the shared | ReplaceRules | section for additional information |
Replace Rules
This is a shared section for many of the configuration options above
ReplaceRules is an array, of Rules to update provided Endpoints with a new Name or Uri if they are dynamic with for example id:s
Property | Description | Value Example | Comment |
Name | The name of the rule to know what they are for | ||
ReplaceName | A flag to indicate whether to fix the End Point Name | true (default) or false | |
ReplaceUri | A flag to indicate whether to fix the End Point Uri | true (default) or false | |
Pattern | A RegEx pattern to match the value to replace note! only value in the first group will be replaced | /([0-9]{4,})$ |
Find numbers |
Group1Value | The new value to write instead of the match | {customerId} |
Replace matching values with {customerId} |
Example The original URI was logged as: (actual id differs on most unique calls)
With the provided example configuration, the logged URI get the following result:{CustomerId}
If you did not configure ReplaceRules before deploying your solution, you may end up with an awful lot of Endpoints, contact our support to get help tidying up.
"Environment": "Test",
"Debug": true,
"Version": "1.2",
"CultureInfo": "sv-SE",
"Folders": [
"Folder": "C:\\Mule\\logs\\IMLog",
"IncludeChildFolders": false,
"Filter": "*.log",
"ExcludeChildFolders": [
"Name": "C:\\Temp\\MuleLogs\\IMLog\\NotMe"
"Log": {
"Enabled": true,
"PollingInterval": 60,
"LogAPI": "http://localhost/Nodinite/LogAPI/",
"LogAgentId": 42,
"ReplaceRules": [
"Name": "Fix Endpoint name to change customer Id to {customerId}",
"ReplaceName": true,
"ReplaceUri": true,
"Pattern": "/([0-9]{4,})$",
"Group1Value": "{customerId}"
"Environments": [
"EnvironmentName": "Test",
"EnvironmentId": "1A395ED7-5CC5-4B4A-9A09-87A19803567A",
"UserName": "user",
"Password": "password",
"Log": {
"Enabled": true,
"PollingInterval": 60,
"LogAPI": "http://localhost/Nodinite/LogAPI/",
"LogAgentId": 43,
"ReplaceRules": [
"Name": "Fix End Point real id to {id}",
"ReplaceName": true,
"ReplaceUri": true,
"Pattern": "/([R0-9]{4,})$",
"Group1Value": "{id}"
** Example for versions before
"Environment": "Test",
"Debug": true,
"Version": "1.1",
"CultureInfo": "sv-SE",
"Folders": [
"Folder": "C:\\Mule\\logs\\IMLog",
"IncludeChildFolders": false,
"Filter": "*.log",
"ExcludeChildFolders": [
"Name": "C:\\Temp\\MuleLogs\\IMLog\\NotMe"
"Log": {
"Enabled": true,
"PollingInterval": 60,
"LogAgentId": 42
"Environments": [
"EnvironmentName": "Test",
"EnvironmentId": "1A395ED7-5CC5-4B4A-9A09-87A19803567A",
"UserName": "user",
"Password": "password",
"Log": {
"Enabled": true,
"PollingInterval": 60,
"LogAgentId": 43